Unfortunately, we've decided to cancel this morning's profile.


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January 3rd

Greetings Readers,

Unfortunately, we've decided to cancel this morning's profile.

In the early hours Monday, the company who we were planning on bringing to your attention released some crazy news.

Needless to say, its stock when surging up the charts.

Instead of bringing this profile to your attention, we felt it was best to cancel it altogether instead of alerting it to you when it was up so significantly.

The good news is I'm already circling a new idea and plan to bring it to your attention ASAP.

Hang tight and we'll be in touch shortly. In the meantime, consider doing this:


Your next report arrives shortly. Be ready.


Kai Parker


(Always Remember The Stock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Dates I Provided.)

Disclosure: I am not a lice.nsed finan.cial adviser. All potential percentage gains are based on from the low to the high of day. StockWireNews full disclosure is to be read and fully understood before using StockWireNews website, or joining StockWireNews' email or text list. By viewing StockWireNews website and/or reading Stock Wire News email or text newsletter you are agreeing to StockWireNews full disclosure which can be read at www.stockwirenews.net/disclosure StockWireNews (stockwirenews . com) is owned by StockNewsWire LLC, a limited liability company. An owner of StockNewsWire, LLC owns an interest in the limited liability company that owns and operates small cap firm . com (“SCF”), an interest in the limited liability company that owns and operates fierceinvestor . com (“FI”), an interest in the limited liability company that owns and operates stockstreetwire . com (SSW), and an interest in the limited liability company that owns and operates nasdaq wire news . com (NWN) . From time to time, StockWireNews, SCF, FI, SSW, and/or NWN will publicly disseminate information about a company via website, email, SMS and other points of media.