We've got a minute to catch our breath. Trust me, you'll need it.


Could This New Nasdaq Idea Become Breakout Star Near Term? 3 Potential Catalysts Include A Tiny Float

Full Report Arrives 9:30AM EST Tomorrow

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June 8th

Greetings Readers,

We've got a minute to catch our breath. Trust me, you'll need it.

Coming off a Tuesday profile that shot approximately 19% from an open of $.86+ to a high of $1.03, I felt compelled.

Compelled to do what you may be asking? Easy.

Compelled to step up my game and bring you an idea with even more breakout potential.

What I found was another low float Nasdaq idea.

And if it falls in line with some of my recent breakout runners:

  • 5/24's profile surged approximately 76%
  • 5/26's profile ran approximately 15%
  • 6/1's profile moved approximately 12%

... then it could be all geared up for a solid vertical move near term.

At 9:30AM EST tomorrow the full report arrives. Make sure to tune in.

Meanwhile, here's some key bits of info to chew on ahead of the upcoming report.

3 Potential Catalysts - Important Details On This Nasdaq Breakout Idea

#1. Like many of our previous short term intraday breakout ideas, this is a low float profile. With Yahoo Finance reporting this profile to have fewer than 5Mn shares in its float, volatility could be in the cards on a daily basis.

#2. An explosive chart history is something to take note of. On several occasions over the past several months in 2022, this Nasdaq profile has jumped over $1.00+ on multiple intraday occasions.

#3. Some initial positive treatment results have already been announced by this company in June.

Could the next bit of positive news be right around the corner?

Do this now:


The complete report arrives soon. Be ready.


Kai Parker


(Always Remember The Stock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Dates I Provided.)

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