Let's take a break from the Nasdaq and NYSE American for a second to look at something slightly different.


Here Comes A Sub-Penny Breakout Idea Hot Off The Completion Of A Game-Changing Acquisition

Full Report Arrives At 9:30AM EST Tomorrow

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February 2nd

Greetings Readers,

Let's take a break from the Nasdaq and NYSE American for a second to look at something slightly different.

I've got a new, sub-penny, nano-cap idea currently trading on the OTC Markets.

By identifying companies like this when they are still small, you have the opportunity to witness the front end of a potentially massive growth curve.

Here's the dirty...

A nano-cap company is one of the smallest companies in the market.

Nano-caps have a market capitalization of less than $50Mn.

Nano-cap companies tend to be much more flexible than their larger counterparts. When you are small, you can adapt to the changing conditions in the market much more quickly than a larger company.

In addition to this, smaller companies tend to rely on innovation and new ideas in order to stay in business.

They will often be able to get things to the market quicker than a large company.

A larger company will require a new idea to go through several different decision-makers and committees before the result of it can hit the market.

So when I saw what this company has been up to, saw it had a market cap of fewer than $3Mn as of Thursday's session, and has completed a major acquisition recently, I knew I wanted to get it in front of you quickly.

At 9:30AM EST tomorrow, the complete report arrives.

In it, you'll find out more details on their game-changing acquisition which could signal they are currently trading from undervalued levels.

Until the full report arrives, make sure you spread the word:


Hang tight. The full report arrives soon.


Kai Parker


(Always Remember The Stock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Dates I Provided.)

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