It's Friday night, but before you shove off for the weekend, give me a couple minutes.


Is This Nasdaq Past Champ Poised For A Healthy Reversal Based On Key Technical Indicators? (Low Float)

Full Report Arrives Sunday At 11:00AM EST

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October 7th

Greetings Readers,

It's Friday night, but before you shove off for the weekend, give me a couple minutes.

Last night, I brought attention to a Nasdaq profile after it closed at $.88.

Today it caught fire first thing out of the opening bell when it rocketed to a 1-month high of $1.04.

When the dust settled, that $.16 surge resulted in an approximate 18% run.

That's on the heels of Tuesday's pre-market alert that rocketed approximately 38%.

Now, to get ready for your next Nasdaq profile (arriving 11:00AM EST Sunday), we need to go even further into the past.

The last time I brought this past champ to your attention, it burst approximately 24% from the previous day's close to the next morning's high.

Since then, it bottomed out and then did something truly stunning...

Made an 88% move in just a handful of days.


And right now, it's bottomed out again...

Plus, hear this. That wasn't the 1st time I alerted this Nasdaq idea.

Previously in 2022, it also shot approximately 20% in just a few short days.

Could the 3rd time be the biggest charm of all?

Here's a few key details to chew on ahead of the complete report arriving Sunday.

Top 3 Potential Catalysts - Important Details To Know Ahead Of Monday's Opening Bell

#1. An explosive chart history. On multiple occasions in 2022, and especially the last few months, this profile has demonstrated the capacity to make strong, short term chart bursts that have been mind-blowing.

#2. This is a low float idea. With fewer than 40Mn shares in its float, the potential for intraday/short term volatility may be a constant. You'll need to watch this one closely.

#3. Multiple technical indicators lean oversold. During Friday's session, this past champ had several technicals leaning towards oversold territory that could signal a healthy reversal/bounce may be right around the corner.

Take a minute now and do this:


Hang tight. Your full report arrives soon.


Kai Parker


(Always Remember The Stock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Dates I Provided.)

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