BCAN is going green on today's news.


Update Part 2: Nasdaq Profile (BCAN) Makes Strong Green Move On Today's Asset Growth News

November 15th

Greetings Readers,

BCAN is going green on today's news.

If you haven't read it yet, do so now: 494% Increase in Assets to U33Mn Israeli Cann-a-bis Technology Company BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. Poised for Growth

As this news continues to circulate, it could draw serious attention to this Nasdaq profile today.

Could BCAN make another near $1.00 run like it did after the last time I brought it to your attention?

Take a moment to read highlights from my initial report below and get BCAN on your watch-list again today.


*BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. (BCAN)*

BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. is an integrated software/cann-a-bis company, based in Israel with a first of its kind platform for the $33Bn medical cann-a-bis market.

And right now it has 4 potential catalysts that could provide a breakout spark in the near term. Here's what to know:

No. 1 BCAN Potential Catalyst - A Crazy Low Float Could Lead To Explosive Volatility

According to the Yahoo Finance website, BCAN has an insanely tiny float.

The website reports this profile to have approximately 898.96k shares in its float.

Why is that important? It's important on one crucial level. Volatility.

Could more 2022 positive company news help provide a near term spark?


No. 2 BCAN Potential Catalyst - A Game-Changing Acquisition That Could Help Put BCAN On The Map

BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. Signs Agreement for the Acquisition of Israeli-Based Zigi Carmel Initiatives & Investments Ltd. In a Share Swap Agreement Valued at US $28Mn

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. (NASDAQ: BCAN) (CSE: BYND) (“BYND” or the “Company”) announced today that it has signed a share purchase agreement to acquire 100% ownership of Zigi Carmel Initiatives & Investments Ltd. (“ZC”) which holds the patent pending intellectual property for a therapeutic device (the “EZ-G device”) that uses low concentrations of CB oils, such as hemp seed oil and other natural oils, to treat certain women's health issues...

The EZ-G device is a unique, patent-pending device that, combined with proprietary software (provisional application), regulates the flow of low-concentration CB oils into the soft tissues of the female reproductive system. According to research conducted across the globe, treatment with low-concentration CB oils can relieve candida, dryness, scars, and many other female health issues.

BYND intends to pursue the final registration of the patent and establish a marketing and sales system for the EZ-G device. The Company's ‘Go to Market’ strategic plan is based on combined B2B and B2C sales. Numerous studies have shown CB interacts with the endocann-a-binoid system, a master regulatory system with receptors all around the body. By activating these receptors, CB can have health benefits that help make sex more approachable and pleasurable by reducing stress, enhancing one's mood, promoting body comfort, and treating vaginal issues. According to the Brightfield Group, a cann-a-bis industry data research firm, sales of CB products could reach $11Bn by 2027. A recent Zion Market Research study indicates the market size of global gynecology devices was worth $10.8Bn in 2021 and is estimated to exceed $19.5Bn by 2028 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 10.3 percent.


Yftah Ben Yaackov, CEO and a Director of BYND, said, "From the moment we complete the purchase of ZC, we plan to hit the ground running by initially securing any required regulatory approval from the appropriate authorities. We will continue to pursue the registration of the patent, which contains over 100 claims, prototype production and start validation tests, and contract with suppliers for the production of the device and the oils used in the EZ-G device.

The demand for a unique device combined with software, such as the EZ-G device, stems from the increasing occurrence of chronic conditions and the rising adoption of self-health management. Using a device at home is a very cost-effective treatment, and it opens up a vast channel for millions of women." Mr. Ben Yaackov continued, "We hope to use the knowledge we have gained in the medical cann-a-bis field to significantly improve the quality of life of women suffering from symptoms such as those mentioned above."

Read the full article here.


No. 3 BCAN Potential Catalyst - Initial Approval Received For Cannasoft To Engage In Medical Cann-a-bis Without Direct Contact

Israel’s Ministry of Health, through the Medical Cann-a-bis Unit, granted BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc.’s Subsidiary, Cannasoft an Initial Approval to Engage in Medical Cann-a-bis Without Direct Contact with the Substance

VANCOUVER, British Columbia and ASHKELON, Israel, Oct. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. (NASDAQ: BCAN) (CSE: BYND) ("BYND Cannasoft" or the "Company") announced today that it received initial approval to engage in medical cann-a-bis without direct contact with the substance from the Medical Cann-a-bis Unit at the Ministry of Health of the State of Israel. Cannasoft received this initial approval as part of the process to obtain a full license that allows trading in medical cann-a-bis products through an agreement with a licensed cann-a-bis grower in Israel. Cannasoft is in the final stage of obtaining the full license.


Yftah Ben Yaackov, CEO and Director of BYND, said, "We anticipate that as long as there are no unforeseen circumstances, Cannasoft will receive a full license to engage in medical cann-a-bis without direct contact in the near future. Our strategy post-license will be to penetrate the cann-a-bis products market in Israel and globally immediately after the approval of the Israeli regulator for the export of cann-a-bis products from Israel. Our business plan allows us to accomplish this without in-vest-ing heavily in resources and establishing and operating cultivation facilities." Mr. Yaackov continued, "In this way, BYND Cannasoft will be able to realize its goal of generating significant revenues from the sale of cann-a-bis products while saving significantly on the Company's expenses for this purpose."

Read the full article here.


No. 4 BCAN Potential Catalyst - Beta Test Launch For C.R.M System At Prestigious Weizmann Institute

BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. Launches Beta Test for Managing Farms CRM Platform at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BYND Cannasoft Enterprises Inc. (NASDAQ: BCAN) (CSE: BYND) (“BYND” or the “Company”) announced that its subsidiary BYND - Beyond Solutions Ltd. has signed an agreement with the Weizmann Institute of Science for the use of its proprietary software. ...

Yftah Ben Yaackov, CEO and a Director of BYND, said, "This is an extremely important step in the development of BYND Cannasoft Enterprises medical cann-a-bis software since the Weizmann Institute has many greenhouses of various types that can cover all the development possibilities of the software in the coming year..."


Read the full article here.


BCAN Recap - 4 Potential Breakout Catalysts To Know

No. 1 - A Crazy Low Float Could Lead To Explosive Volatility

No. 2 - A Game-Changing Acquisition That Could Help Put BCAN On The Map

No. 3 - Initial Approval Received For Cannasoft To Engage In Medical Cann-a-bis Without Direct Contact

No. 4 - Beta Test Launch For C.R.M System At Prestigious Weizmann Institute


Coverage is officially reinitiated on BCAN. When time permits, do this:


Get BCAN on your radar now.


Kai Parker


(Always Remember The Stock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Dates I Provided.)

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